Assignment/Interview Tasks

Being associated with the publishing industry for so long sometimes makes it difficult for trying in other industries but still, keep trying and attempting every type of interview task/test to learn more. Though having software skills make your design on the basic level but to excel in the taste of a specialised industry you need the exposure of the same as every industry has specific guidelines to be followed.

I believe if you have skill and vision then once you are get formally associated with some segment, you will pick up within days and I’m working on that it’s difficult to have blank thinking every time but these Tasks give me a chance to explore more about it.

Interview Assignment- Dec 2022

This is my second assignment for the same as they had given me a freedom to choose my own theme or subject to express my strength i.e. illustration in a better way. So for the same i chose food as a subject.

App: Infinite Painter

Device: Lenovo M8 tablet with stylus

Interview Test- May 2022

The test comprises 3 logos, 3 flyers and 3 digital web banners for the gaming industry which is somewhat new for me as I have never had a kneen interest in games but after my initial interview, it gave me an inspiration that I can give it a try and it was my immense pleasure that they gave me a chance for performing this test I’m thankful for this.

Software: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator. Canva for Gif design and Infinite Painter App for the background of two designs.

Copy lines wrote by myself by referring to the official site of the same and other resources available on the net. Official logos and one Artwork were provided by the company that conduct the interview.

Overall it’s a wonderful experience for me and something new and thrilling at the same time.

Interview task – April 2022

Assignment- Branding Kit

The kit consists of Logo, Mockup-Mug, Mockup- Notebook Cover, Fb Profile Pic, Fb Cover Photo, Card, Fb Christmas Greeting Post.

Software: Adobe Photoshop, Corel draw

Interview Task 2020.

March 2021

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